In today's news update:
Automated Betting results.
In Play Betting.
Other news.
Automated Betting Strategies
The Automated Strategy results are updated and available to view.
Simply select Automated Strategies from the main menu at Exponential Bet. Then from the drop down choose the service you wish to examine in more detail.
Weekly, ratchet, and detailed overview numbers have all been updated to include last weeks results to the 12th June.
Place Lay Multi was the highest ranked strategy of the week, and so far showing the best numbers for the current quarterly Ratchet betting cycle from the 1st June.

Place Lay Single also banked a profit last week and continues its consistent run of form for the Place Betting service. Whereas Place Back Multi dropped a few points over the week.
Sure Favs had a decent spike in profit mid week, but then dropped in the latter half. However, overall if betting with all three options still finishing in profit across the seven days.
I've been mentioning the steady gains all three Sure Favs options is making since last year, and this is now visible when immediately viewing the detailed overview result graph's for Main, High, and Foundation options.
Highly recommended you take a look, and if you haven't already make sure this service is added to your portfolio, and set up according to recommended points staking.
Bet Focus dropped some points last week with a few decent big priced winners included, but the high priced winners were not enough to end the week in profit. As you may know with this service it does only take a few decent wins typically over a week to push the balance the right way, and a very good week can have a big difference on the overall profit growth.
However, if operating Bet Focus it's well documented this is a value betting strategy that has by far the most volatility, which is factored in with the higher points allocation.
For Racing Lays it is a continuation from the previous months drop off, with last week's winning bets not enough to put us in profit over the seven days recorded.
The service will reach its lowest point on the current losing trend soon I predict, as I've seen it again and again over predictable timelines with this service. Racing Lays will then begin to rebuild losses and push the balance to a new profit high.
It tends to do this after a month or so up and down winning and losing, then a long winning period which is the more commonly recorded way the balance behaves. It can also do it in a more battling jagged look to the graph.
As long as we see a push back and the balance moves the right way over the months and years to come that is ultimately all that matters. For me personally I don't mind the dips that can last weeks or months as I know they are followed a huge profit spike at some point.
I run all the strategies for long term profitability, but some can be quite exciting to watch over a betting cycle, and Racing Lays is definitely one of the more entertaining strategies when it hits a win run, as the win run isn't typically just for a week or so, it can last months.
You just need to be set up correctly to prepare for the dips to be in a position to benefit from the winning periods.
If you look at the monthly results for Racing Lays as an example, or even the last Ratchet period from March to May, you will see the exact same trend of up and down before a large profit spike is recorded. It does tend to be the way with this service since the trend update was applied at the end of October last year.
That's how the strategy will operate and continue to build the balance over time, with the inevitable drop off in form factored into the overall published points profit.
What is actually working in our favour this quarter with Racing Lays is the dip is occurring at the start of the new quarterly Ratchet period, which is exactly when you would want this to happen if following that betting option.
That is much better than it happening near the end of the quarter, so ideally the swing in profit will favour us coming up to the end of the three month cycle on the 31st August.
All the automation will be affected by this coming weeks major racing event at Ascot, and this always creates some kind of anomaly, so this is just a heads up to be prepared to take it into account.
It will either cause a freak amount of wins or losses for one or more of the strategies, as the algorithm does not factor in the size of the event.
Over the long term it's irrelevant as the data shows it balances out, but in the short term it has an unpredictable effect, so we shall see come this time next week when it's over and done with and I'm reporting results here again.
In Play Betting News
Members of the In Play Bet Club are presently waiting patiently for me to finish analysis that will introduce flat racing to the selection process, and a broader criteria to increase the bet volume over ten fold, and as such create a faster route to target profit.
The goal is to be able to bank circa £1200 profit every 30 betting days on average if the maximum Tier 3 £100 stake is selected.
Considering it took approx. five months to reach this target with the published results available to view on the In Play Bet Club page here:
If I can get it down to four to six weeks instead of circa twenty, that is definitely worth the vast amount of data assessment I'm presently putting in to reach this point.
The ETA for members to have this data and for betting to recommence is from the 1st July. Which I am presently on target to finish the analysis, share this with the members, and be ready to resume with the flat and broader bet criteria included.
I'm working over the live racing recorded in the software each day, and recording the results in Excel which will then provide over six months live bet history, with approx. 400 bets per month placed.
Which is a lot of work, and I need to do this in stages each day to maintain accuracy, and not go bonkers, but I am getting through it all and hopeful to be done ready to start from the start of July.
The In Play Guide will be released using the selection method from the currently published results, and then later in the year part two will contain the selection method I am working on explained above.
More to come on this near the end of the month as I make progress through the data analysis and recording, but from what I have so far it is well worth the effort, and the results just from approx. 30 days betting already have us at target profit.
You can still register for the In Play Bet Club via the page link above, and when spaces become available I'll let you know.
Other News
I have been asked many times whether I will offer some one on one training with Bet Mover, and the answer is yes. I will either organise a get together at a location convenient for attendees, and then do a group training session.
With laptop set up, big screen, live in play betting examples, and a step by step walkthrough of how I make my decisions using the software.
In addition to this, I will also bolt on online one on one training options, as I know not everyone will be available for group training, and also some people will prefer a more side by side training style.
I thought I'd mention this, as it is something I get asked about weekly. By the time I get this going, the In Play Guide Pt.1 will have already been published though, but I'm sure as an extension of the guides and with ongoing BM developments, there will always be a need for personal training and application development.
BM themselves will be organising more events around the country on the back of the Southwell event, so I'm sure at the next upcoming meetings where I attend I could bring my laptop and get more involved in the live betting there as well.
Everyone has there own style and way of using the software, and if I can share mine to help people follow my own method of profiting using the platform I'm happy to do so.
I've also been asked to test and review another betting software product that is pre race based, and packed full of data that enables the user to filter to specific races and consistently find winning back and lay bets.
More to follow on this from July as I'm jam packed this month, but from the small amount of time I've had to put into the platform it looks very good.
The company have just given me access to the platform for a year to see how I get on, and you will get my honest feedback on this, and live betting examples shown as I share my progression.
That's me done for today, as I need to visit my family. I was 51 yesterday and they have presents and a meal at a nice restaurant planned, so I'm all over that obviously.
If you have any questions about today's blog just drop me an email, and I'll get back to you asap tomorrow.
Thank you