The results for the Automated Betting Strategies were uploaded yesterday, with the recommended settings now listed on the strategy pages that apply. I will explain in this post what makes a recommended setting and how to set it up.
Recommended Settings will be incorporated into Cloud Bet Bot in the new year, and default to this for any new members joining.
Existing members this will either be an option you can choose that will override your existing set up, or you can choose to keep what you have, the choice is yours. You will have complete freedom to use the current existing options and strategies as you wish, or follow the recommended set up advice.
Right now this is just a website update to make it clear what I feel is the best combination to make an impressive steady profit. Nothing has changed with the bot, and you do not need to do anything.
The information here and updated on site is what I will cover so you understand my logic behind selecting the services and bet types as the three recommended setting options.
To have a recommended set up from the start has been the most requested update to be made to the site from day dot.
Members want the services and set up that produce the most consistent profit growth that work well together.
To qualify they need to have made a decent points return since they first began betting, and show a consistent timeline of balance growth over the past twelve months, but absolutely essential they need to have reacted well to any trend updates and show this for at least the past twelve months.
We have seen the strength of trend analysis updates from when these services first began betting.
I have explained previously trend updates can only be applied as we accumulate more race result data, and this only comes from actual live betting.
We gather and assess the data through the Researcher tool to extract trends and patterns that improve strategy performance, i.e. produce upward trends with the balance growth while reducing drawdown.
The three selected recommended services and options have all shown more consistency with overall profit growth since their trend updates were applied over a year ago.
This has made a huge difference to performance. It reduced volatility, which can be both great when it swings in our favour, but produce panic when it goes the wrong way, so each of the recommended options now operate without the huge highs and lows with minimal volatility.
They work at a comfortable level within advised points, which was in fact reduced in June when we hit the two year marker as a result of responding well to the trend analysis.
The trend analysis is what sets the services at Exponential Bet apart, as we will not be left behind running out of date strategies that once worked well, and will move with the times while keeping the core goals of each strategy in tact.
I need to have a deep understanding of how the bets are being placed and know they are at the optimum setting at this moment in time. The recommended settings have this, and that's why they are front and centre.
We have seen the impact of the trend updates on these options, and even factoring in the losing months there has still been a significant increase in profits over the longer term, and that is exactly what we are looking for with all these automated bet investments.
I am still behind all the other services and options 100% and know they are long term projects. They will all will reach the same level of consistency as the recommended settings using trend analysis tools, while still making good money over the years in the meantime as they stabilize to reach recommended status.
The options I have put forward as a recommended set up is to make it easier for you to choose the strategies and bet types that have a steadier record of success so far, as it is still just two and a half years since we first started the bot, and for Place Betting it's just two years this month. We have made great progress, but there is a lot more exponential growth to come for all options.
Having the recommended settings as the focal point simplifies it more so for new members, when they first look at the site and services, as it just highlights one option from three strategies available.
A complaint I often receive is there is just too much information, and too many bet options to select and asses. This has now been rectified which you will see on the strategy pages, and it will be simplified even more over the Christmas break, smartened up, and then I can begin moving the content to an Android and IOS app, but that's another news update entirely.
Having information overload is a problem obviously as it discourages people from joining, but also for existing members it can mean you could be confused by the information, and not set up the bot not in line with how I publish the results.
This can cause issues further down the line when your results dramatically differ to mine. The recommended options mean you are operating the bot with strategies I feel are running at their current optimum set up, that work well together over the weeks and months, while more often than not finishing most months showing a profit.
In fact if running all three setting using my advice over the past twelve months you would have made a profit over nine months, and dropped a profit from just three of the twelve.
I know that maintaining a good win run is important for a lot of members, as it keeps the faith so to speak. It's a bugbear of mine that some members will dip in and out of a subscription switching from one to the other over the years, and as such miss the long term profits recorded.
However, I do understand this is how most investors and bettors minds work, and a loss of confidence over a short period of time can result in all funds being withdrawn, or in the case of betting strategies just no longer betting.
If you join during a losing month, and are set up different to I am publishing results this can immediately be a red flag to most people, and I totally get it which is why after some time I admit I have finally reached a point where I feel I can confidently address the issue.
If people feel confused about how to set up, are seeing different result than are published as a result of the vast amount of freedom I give to members running the bot, this will result in them leaving the service, and as you can see with the results published subsequently missing the winning months and profit.
It's something I wish I had more clarity on from the start, but my mindset was to give everyone all the options to bet that are available, and let you create systems within systems using the automation, and that will remain, but I stupidly missed the point that most members just want to be directed fully to the best set up for the investment and do not want all the settings under the sun to choose from.
I think in my defence this comes from my project before setting up Cloud Bet Bot and the membership I had then, who did want full customisation, but over time it's excluded members who just want the bets placed using the best options and are not interesting in modding.
I come from a mod based background with work, so it's taken me longer to adjust to the mindset of keeping it simple, but I am getting there now at pace which you can see.
The idea behind recommended settings is to avoid excluding members who feel lost with the content and options, and give everyone the best chance possible to easily understand what are the most confident automated options, while demonstrating step by step how to set these up in the simplest manner.
The past twelve months we had nine winning months and three losing, which produced +224.28 points profit across the three recommended strategies using advised settings at MTP.
The results will be updated each month now showing the recommended settings overview, month by month progress of course, and the ratchet figures for this single option.
The results for the other betting options for each service are all still available from the One Subscription page.
This has a list of all the strategies and a detailed overview of results for these since they began betting, including the recommended settings services.
I have trend updates scheduled later this month looking at all the services, and will of course let you know if anything applies at this moment for any of the services and bet types to increase performance.
The Recommended Settings are listed below, and you will find on each of the service pages a walkthrough showing how to set up to advised staking for each option.
The other service options and results as mentioned are available on the One Subscription page which you can find here:
Additionally, it is available via the main menu under Betting Strategies from the drop down list. You will always find the latest results for all the strategy options updated monthly there.
Sure Favs Main either BSP or MTP

Racing Lays Exchange Straight

Place Lay Multi both Exchange Straight, or Liability Betting.

If you have any questions please get in touch and I will get back to you asap.
I'm out now for the remainder of today, and Monday I have a lot to catch up on, but you will hear from me Tuesday onwards at latest.
Best Regards