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Portfolio Bet Update 1 of 3

Writer's picture: Ryan PhillipsRyan Phillips

We're nearly all set to launch Portfolio Bet, so I just wanted to quickly summarize some of what you can expect.

Firstly, if you want to register to be invited to join you can do so either by emailing me at with Register Me as the subject line, or by visiting and clicking the notify button. You can fill in your email address to be contacted there when the website is ready to launch.

Rest assured, if you have done this already you are on the invite list.

Portfolio Bet will manage multiple betting strategies for you with just one stake amount.

You simply enter your stake, save this within the software, and when an applicable bet is valid, the software will place it using your single stake set and saved.

The betting bot will auto calculate your stake based on the suggested points recommended to operate the portfolio, or it will let you bet with any amount, but advise you on the correct amount of money you should have available to invest.

You can see in the example screenshot below I have entered a 2000 investment, and the software has automatically adjusted my stake to 10. Which is the value of the single point required to operate a 200 point investment with £2000.

betting software

If I had entered 10 as stake, it would have advised I start with a 2000 investment. As mentioned though, you can bet with any amount and point allocation.

The software is set up to guide you correctly according to a very comfortable approach to operate Portfolio Bet. Allowing you to bet well within your means.

We advise a minimum of 200 points to start with, which is recommended as an annual amount to have within the account to let the service operate according to standard comfort levels.

I will go over each strategy in operation individually that combine as one for Portfolio Bet, which will I will include in part 2 and 3 of this blog update series, to be continued this time next week.

This should give you a clear idea of what to expect with the betting, and you will see for yourself 200 points is a very cautious points allocation.

To reiterate, this is designed to give you the comfort levels required to just let the service do what it is programmed across the months, and when we do lose bets, you will have the depth in the investment to not bat an eye lid.

As well as providing members with the right level of caution with their betting, the 200 point investment also gives you the right size investment to be able to make a very nice return on your investment.

You will want to recoup your membership cost as quickly as possible to reach peak profits, and then on make enough to either withdraw annually, or whenever you decide, and I would guess you want to make enough to reinvest and cover your ongoing membership fees.

You will have more of an insight into how this will be achievable over the next couple of blog updates.

Maximum profits with minimal input is the way Portfolio Bet is set to operate for its members.

On the subject of memberships and subscription options, as is the way of Portfolio Bet making the betting set up ultra straightforward, the membership options will also follow suit.

The standard introduction membership will be set as quarterly, with an annual option also available.

The price is still to be finalized, but I can absolutely assure you this will be set fairly with the goal of getting you to profit as quickly as possible, and as outlined above, to reach the point of reinvestment or profit withdrawal comfortably covering all membership costs.

Part two of this update will be published next Monday.

Don't forget to register for your invitation to join either by email or via the under construction weblink above.

Thanks for reading.


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