I'll do a more in depth news post covering all Exponential Bet services one by one asap, as today my time has been stolen with work I'd rather not spend all Sunday finishing off, but hey ho needs must.
Sorry to sound meh from the start as I'm actually really excited and feeling positive about new developments, it's just been a draining day...
Tonight I want to go over a Remote Dutch Betting, the JV System, Auto Dutch, and the next Trade Guide V5 update to let you know where I'm up to with these.
Starting with Remote Dutch Betting and JV System, these two launched on the 31st October running using strategies set up with Race Researcher. This is a data analysis tool created by Nigel Dove from Levelsoftware.co.uk
I've just add a detailed Excel results history using BSP odds for both of these services on their landing pages, which you can locate from the menu above for each.
They are also both available now to purchase direct from these pages, as the BSP option has solved any issues we thought we'd have with liquidity.
If you're using stakes any higher than £2 per bet, simply select BSP and Betfair will match you according to the exchange starting price, as opposed to being reliant on the price movement of the live exchange and money available at the time of bet placement.
For anyone betting below £2 the Exchange is the only option, but as the stakes are so low, and the fact we've updated Cloud Bet Bot to place exchange bets faster according to available price liquidity is no longer an issue, and members should have no problem getting matched with both BSP and Exchange options.
Common sense needs to be applied obviously, if you're betting with high stakes don't use the Exchange option go for BSP.
I've also added a lot more content about what's involved running these services, to ensure everyone who joins hopefully has all their questions answered ahead of subscribing. If not, it's important to ask anything ahead of joining.
What's to come with these two services are, place market betting options, a green up stake method, along with a stop at a profit plan. All currently being worked on to be added asap.
Additionally, I'm also looking to include a seasonal set of filters for Remote Dutch Betting, as the winter months need a different approach. It's a trend based selection process anyway, so this falls in line perfectly with the long term planning.
We will have some news in December about the new features for the services, with details of the results running the various options.
Auto Dutch will now be available in December for members to run using Cloud Bet Bot, and I'll be writing to all Auto Dutch members ahead of this to inform them of the process, and how the service has been updated from the beta version.
The Trade Guide V5 I'm doing my best to work on with the development version of Hedger Pro, but this week hit a brick wall with some trades not firing correctly, which is obviously very important everything works as it should ahead of releasing the next update.
This is the dev version though with these new features included that allow trading members to run the original filters all in one place, very quickly identifying the trading opportunities, and then can schedule or be placed immediately.
Nigel is working on the fix for this which ideally I'll have access mid this week coming, and then I can resume my testing of the platform. When I'm confident it's running as it should I can then use my normal stakes, and resume recording content for the V5 update.
If I'd not been stopped in my tracks this week testing it I'd be confident in getting everything ready by the end of the month, but let's see as I'm at the mercy of Nigel getting the platform running the new features. It's still possible all going well this week, and that's my ideal scenario.
I'll post a thorough news update about each of the above services asap, and also cover In Play Beta as well. The way it stands at the moment I won't be reintroducing Auto Football, as I simply don't have the time, and once these automated services are online want to focus on my own betting and trading. Which I can then share a lot more on You Tube for everyone to follow.
I'd like a more immediate way to communicate with members or people interested in what I'm doing, as I've been locked down by email overload recently.
The concept of running automated services in the first place like Remote Dutch Betting, JV System, and Auto Dutch is the free up time as they run on auto pilot. For any members joining these services this is part of the attraction.
Which means it's about time I started seeing the benefit of this extra freedom to create the content for member of Exponential Bet I've been trying to make time for.
The idea of running a content rich You Tube channel covering betting and trading, and showing more of what I do using video and live chat to answer questions is a lot more appealing than wading through email after email, as it's immediate, and I can reply to questions there and then. It's a much quicker way of interacting with my members, which is better for everyone, as you get your questions answered directly, and I have more time to dedicate to posting new content.
I've no problem answering member questions by email, in live chat, or even over the phone occasionally. It's satisfying working with some great people, and getting you set up correctly. As you can imagine though with hundreds of emails coming through, it's easy to fall behind, so I'm just looking for a quicker solution.
The Hedger Pro library and blog will also be up and running asap, ideally getting started in December, and tie in nicely with the You Tube content with new strategies to run using this platform available for members, along with lots of free content.
Trading and publishing new information on social media and the blogs is exactly what I want to be doing now.
Getting back to the services mentioned in this email, apart from In Play Beta all going to plan will be fully operational with the extra features, and all available on site to subscribe.
Thanks for reading. I know it's a brief whizz over what's happening, but it's the first chance I've had to sit and write for a while, and will get back on track now things are settling down again.