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Expo News 28th February

Writer's picture: Ryan PhillipsRyan Phillips

You can find the results for the Automated Betting Strategies listed below, top down from the most profitable down to losing strategies covering 21st to 27th February.

All results are updated on site for the automated services including Ratchet figures. The monthly results will be added and covered in next weeks blog with a special feature looking at ratchet staking.

To view the results simple visit Exponential Bet and select Automated Strategies from the main menu. Then choose the service you wish to examine in more detail from the drop down.

There will also be a challenge for you to complete in next weeks news post should you decide to take it on.

Before I get to the weekly results I want to set this reminder to Reset Your Ratchet balance if you follow my quarterly resets for Place Betting.

To do this you simply click CLEAR BETS within Cloud Bet Bot for each service you are operating a ratchet and wish to reset the calculation.

That will set your percentage stake to its starting point.

If you're unsure of how to set up your ratchet stake or how to reset it get in touch. I will send you the updated Getting Started PDF which now has a detailed section covering this.

The ratchet will now be reset for all services I publish results with this bet option from 1st March operating on a quarterly basis going forward.

All historical results will remain the same and be available. I prefer to run a ratchet strategy now with a fresh reset every three months.

I'd advise the same, but it's completely up to you as you have full control of the bot and your staking. If you wish to continue without resetting you can of course.

You should already know with ratchet that it can have incredible profit growth periods, the results speak for themselves, but it's not for everyone.

The biggest win can also be the biggest loss, which of course has its advantages in certain situations.

The longer your operate a ratchet the higher the stake will become, and this means the initial subtle growth pump you experience when first running the ratchet over the first few months can turn into a stake that could potentially wipe a balance with not so many losses.

Just a heads up, and rationale behind why I'm switching all ratchet based strategies to quarterly from the 1st March 2022.

Also, Bet Focus Ratchet 1 to 5% will be no more from the 1st March. There are more profitable ways to build a bank in my opinion, and I'm happy to cash out this balance from the 1st June 2020 to 28th Feb 2022.

It did very good in year one, and it could go on to have another run like year one, so you have the option to continue operating Bet Focus Ratchet however you choose.

I'll cease reporting the results for this bet option but keep it running at 1% in case it does have another phenomenal run. I will keep everything we've recorded so far available on the strategy page. When I get to sort out the service page results they will be spread over three pages making it easier to navigate.

Racing Lays from the 1st March will have a Ratchet option introduced for both Straight and Liability options at 1%.

This is a strategy I'm very keen to start ratcheting and operating quarterly.

In other news, I have already sent an email update to registered members of the In Play Bet Club yesterday, so everyone is aware of how we will be commencing live betting.

I'm recording in play bets going forward to gather content for the upcoming In Play Bet Guide, and will be adding them to the blog and YouTube channel again regularly. I'll aim to have the weekends bets and any I place this week added to the next news update.

I'm also considering reducing my stakes to make more money available to members of the In Play Club. Which means I may drop to Tier 1 (£25 per bet) from Tier 3 (£100) to minimize the impact of my betting on the market.

I'll assess this when we switch to live member bets and keep my stakes at £25 until I can see how everyone is getting matched.

If we've no matching issues I will definitely be back up to £100 per bet, but member betting and available money has to come first.

Okay, that's it from me today as I want to get a good nights sleep and wallop the in play betting tomorrow.

Here are the weekly Automated Betting results from top down in order of performance for last weeks betting.

Bet Focus landed a bet over odds of 20 putting it the top of the charts, Place Back Multi continues to impress with its consistency over the four days a week it's active, with Racing Lays and Place Lay Multi two more to mention that came back from dips over the seven days to finish in profit.

The stats and graphs speak for themselves showing how the betting went over the week for each service and betting option.

Any questions let me know and I'll get back to you asap.

Thanks for reading.


Bet Focus - Straight Staking

high priced winners

Place Back Multi - Target Profit Betting

place bet betfair system

Racing Lays - Straight Staking

betfair lay betting

Place Back Multi - Straight Staking

place market betting horse racing

Place Lay Multi - Straight Staking

each way lay betting

Racing Lays - Liability Betting

lay bet system

Bet Focus - Target Profit

value betting low risk

Place Lay Multi - Liability Betting

place betting system

Sure Favs Main

backing the favourite

Sure Favs Foundation - Target Profit

low risk

Place Lay Single - Liability Betting

lay bet

Sure Favs Foundation

favourite backing betting system

Place Lay Single - Straight Staking

lay betting

Sure Favs High

betting system

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