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Expo News 27th June

Writer: Ryan PhillipsRyan Phillips

In today's news update I look at the Automated Strategy results, with an off the cuff state of the world rant at the end.

I'll write a full overview of June's betting in next weeks blog, and look at how we're doing so far with Ratchet betting over the current cycle.

The results for the Automated Betting Strategies are updated and available to view at Exponential Bet.

You can find everything you need by selecting the strategy you wish to examine in more detail from the Automated Strategy drop down found via the main menu, and from there you have a Detailed Overview coving all bets placed, Weekly Results, Ratchet Figures, and a Monthly Breakdown for each strategy and betting option included.

Last weeks betting we had another profitable week for Racing Lays returning +5 points profit using Exchange Straight, which for the last couple of weeks with difficult days included has finished in profit each week.

Racing Lays Exchange Straight 13th to 26th June

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This resistance to the dip experienced at the end of last month could be the early signs of another long win run for Racing Lays, which we've seen four times since it began betting to reach the current +385 points profit using exchange straight.

Sure Favs Main also did well last week, banking +8.47 points over the four betting days the service covers.

Sure Favs Main Exchange Straight 20th to 26th June

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Sure Favs Main continues it's strong run of form since the trend update was applied from October 2021.

Place Lay Multi also finished in profit and starting to consistently show an upward trend, with a notable bounce back you can see in the graph below from April this year.

Place Lay Multi Exchange Straight 1st December 2021 to 26th June 2022

Place Lay Multi Ratchet figures over the current cycle are already at +17.49 points profit betting 1% Ratchet and Exchange Straight.

Services that dropped a few points or broke even across different bet options include Place Back Multi, Sure Favs High and Foundation.

Place Lay Single had a poor week just missing the mark over a few days that dented accumulated profits.

It's shown the same trend eight times so far since its update at the end of last year, but over that period gained approx. +44.45 points profit factoring this pattern into the betting.

There have been ups and downs given the nature of the stop at a profit bet style, but looking at the graph I can pull out eight drops that stand out the most.

After seven so far, as we're currently at number eight and what I think is the base of a dip, what follows is a period of growth that increases the overall balance.

The current drop is the largest so far with -18 points last week. The trend demonstrates this strategy operates in a very abrupt up and down betting pattern.

I'd be surprised is the current downturn continues over this week, but it may well do, and it could take longer to recover and push up, but from the sample of data looking at the service from October 21 when the trend updates were applied, my opinion is this will push on soon and continue the pattern of increasing the balance after a steep drop off.

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The thing that affects Place Lay Single more than the other services is the stop at a win of 0.9 point profit each day.

We can see from the graph it has days which either take longer to hit the target, or finish short of target and have to carry over to the following day with the same approach, i.e. stop at a win of 0.90 or higher for that particular day.

It works over the months and years, but some weeks it will drop and take two or more weeks to recover, with the current dip I'd expect taking a few to recoup. That is allowing for winning days with double win before betting stops.

Bet Focus was the other service that had a dip last week. It's a strategy with the most volatility so this is somewhat expected it will have the highest drop off over a losing week typically, but will usually be in the upper end on the winning weeks, which is due to the high odds on the selections.

Looking at the run of racing coming up I have a feeling Bet Focus will start to hit more consistent form over this time of year, and we should see a turnaround with the balance growth.

It's automated of course and this may not be the case for a while, but knowing how the algorithm works it looks likely that Bet Focus will over the upcoming months start to report more profits than losses based on the racing schedule.

Bit of a Rant...

The automated strategies are all long term bet investments that over the years will return a profit, even factoring in some losing months and for some years along the way.

They are investments though, and with that comes risk and expectation management. There are never any guarantees with any investment, other than from your bank with a meagre savings account tiny percentage return.

If you're set up with the correct points allocation, running the automated betting strategies as far as I'm concerned are the easiest and most reliable investment you can make.

Unlike the rest of the economy at the moment that is affected by interest rates and inflation, so called scarcity of resources, political BS and corruption, the collapse of currencies and social divide this is creating, the war in Ukraine with the affect of Russian sanctions, and let's not forget market manipulation by the super rich on Wall Street and Crypto, actually betting on horse racing using algorithmic automated betting and intelligent money management is not affected by any of this, and in my opinion carries a lot less risk.

I'm set up with my automation for the years to come, and like many of my other investments look at them ahead of the marketing spin, which in the case of betting is comparable to the betting form, i.e. ups and downs. If you can see past that and have a long term view of your investing, this is where the shrewd make their money.

The profit banked over the past couple of years and my understanding of the algorithm gives me the confidence each of the services will have enough high points to weather drawdown.

In what order the highs and lows will come in not certain, but they will return a profit commensurate with the bet type, ie exchange straight, liability laying, target profit backing etc.

The state of the current markets and economies around the world at the moment is disturbing, and when I see in my own country, which is one of the richest, that we have queues increasing at food banks, it makes me realise how lucky I am personally living during these times.

My life could be a lot worse so I count my blessings every day. I have a strong work ethic to ensure I do my best to swim against the economic tide, but I also have some advantages I am aware of based on my start in life, and how I've been allowed the time to formulate my present decision making.

I have always worked and done what I can to make money creatively, it's in my DNA, and I believe opportunities are there for virtually everyone, but at the moment there is no excuse a government can give me for the state of the world and pressures being put on hard working people, or people who just cannot dig themselves out of a hole due to age or health issues for example.

Nobody who is willing and able to work should have to queue for handouts, it's a failing of the governments around the globe, and demonstrates everything that is wrong with the world right now.

Without going off on too much of a tangent, as I really could, and getting back to betting and investing.

The fact I'm able to put money in to the automated strategies, and will be able to build profits for my In Play Bet Club members, while also working from my home office and having enough food on the table with bills paid, is something I have worked for that's correct.

However, I am also incredibly grateful and realise how lucky I am. As my eyes are wide open to what is happening around me.

I never sit on my laurels taking it for granted, and will build on what I have so I can continue to share bet investments and money making opportunities with members.

The primary point I'm trying to make is that I take this role serious. The work I do at Exponential Bet is not a hobby or something I'm doing half assed.

It's my project to make enough money for you and me at some point in the coming five years or so to not have to worry about money ever again.

That's always been the goal, to build enough profit betting using the services here to allow us to stick two fingers up at the system.

I've never said it's get rich quick, nor that it will happen overnight, but I have always said I'm deadly serious about it, and I have a never give up attitude. The money will come in floods, but it takes commitment from both sides.

Everything that I have built so far at Exponential Bet comes from that ethos. In years to come as things expand and operations become smoother with data accumulation making the profit growth steadier, which we have already seen to date and in recent months since trend updates applied using this data accumulation have boosted the balance, the profit will be there for those who set up for the journey ahead.

I won't be quitting anytime soon, and even if I did make enough to retire tomorrow, I'd ensure there was zero disruption to Exponential Bet site and services. I could never be completely hands off, it's just not in my nature.

That is all speculative for now though and future planning, as there is a lot of work to be done still this year and next from me.

The Automated Strategies will run like clockwork of course, with the In Play Bet Club expected to hit circa 400 bets per month starting from mid July.

I have bet and trade guides to publish this year, and also introduce another betting product I am looking forward to allocating time to demonstrate.

In addition to this, at the tail end of all of the above I will introduce 1 on 1 training using Bet Mover, and the new software to be included will also be rolled out this way with online and regional seminar type training sessions.

I could go on and on, but hopefully I've confirmed my intentions as focused and eyes on the prize.

Okay that's it from me today, as I only intended to post a couple of paragraphs.

Thanks for reading, I'll be back next week with a look at June's ups and downs for each strategy, and how we're doing with Ratchet betting over the first month of the three month cycle.

If you are reading this blog for the first time and interested in joining, all the membership options including the One Subscription's are available here:

Best Regards



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