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An Honest Look at Sure Favs

Writer's picture: Ryan PhillipsRyan Phillips

Updated: Feb 16, 2021


I've just published a video on You Tube covering the published betting results for Sure Favs from the 1.6.20 to 24.1.21.

This looks at the points profit over time for each of the betting options with the service, flat staking, target profit, and ratchet.

What it took to achieve thee points recorded over this betting period.

The drawdown and entry points in the betting process, with advice on how to help you decide which betting option is right for you with the service, if you're interested in this system or currently a member.

Within the video I do go over each betting option for Sure Favs and look at the running total over the timeline, and explain more about how each option works, with some advice on getting the most from the different bet types.

This video is the first in a series of running total videos, and this is also the long one for Sure Favs as I'll edit this down to about a third of the length when I combine all services into one.

Basically what I'm saying is, this is the directors cut for the hardcore who don't mind listening to my monotone Ringo Star voice for 45 minutes, but a 15 to 20 minute version that's more concise will be along shortly.

Then like buses the remaining round up running total video's will then be published shortly after.

It will have to be the week after next though for the remaining videos, as I'm in hospital next week so I'll lose four days there but be back in the land of the living asap to finish this off.

You can find the video on You Tube here:

If you can do me a huge favour please and give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel I'd be eternally grateful.

Some total git has literally given me a thumbs down the very second it went live, as given it's 45 minutes long there is no way on Earth they could have watched it, but some kind hearted soul has thankfully given it a thumbs up, so I'm Mr 50/50 on You Tube's algorithm at present haha.

It's the nature of the beast to have people who like and dislike what we do in any sector, who knows they could have instantly hated my voice god knows I do, so I can't hate the hatters, but any positivity to counteract the trolls would genuinely be appreciated.

In other news:

Earlier this week we had a brief spell just for a couple of hours with bets placed before they were due.

Thanks to all the members who jumped on this and let me know, as we were able to resolve it quickly.

The reason was Betfair being a pain in the arse and updating their race ID's, which then meant the timing for each went skew if.

We could not have acted quicker and fixed it quickly, but it was just one of those things unfortunately that any betting service has to deal with, and is at the mercy of the bookie or Betfair exchange in our case.

We are presently working on a place betting option which is still in testing and I'll have more news on next week.

This has received a fair bit of interest, so as soon as I can reveal more I will.

Additionally, Nigel has been working his socks off on the In Play bet and trade software which I can now begin recording new content.

I'll forewarn you now though, this is a serious bit of kit which monitors each horse precisely in running, but it won't come cheap.

He's talking of releasing it soon though and I'll have more info with costs etc and examples of it in use over the coming weeks.

In addition I'll start adding new content to the trade guide available free, and gradually begin building a resource of trade examples within it to help you get the most from that easy to learn strategy.

However, I will also be adding some new download content covering betting and trading over the course of the year. Some partially automated and some manual, but not subscription based. Watch this space as they say.

All the automated services are presently in operation and steadily building data and a solid platform to return an impressive profit over the coming months and years ahead.

2021 for Exponential Bet is about letting these automated services run their course, as the longer they operate the stronger, more profitable, and more robust they will become.

Okay that's it from me for tonight, I hope you enjoy the Sure Favs running total video, but if you don't want the long version hang fire until the week after next and I'll publish a short concise version.

As usual the results for this week will be updated and available online from Monday evening, and I'll message when they are live.




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