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2024 Betting, Bring it On.

Writer's picture: Ryan PhillipsRyan Phillips
  • Automated Betting

  • In Play Bet Club

  • Portfolio Bet

  • Betting Guide

Automated Betting

As we approach another new year, I reflect back on 2023 looking at what I did right, and wrong, but most of all what did I learn to take in to 2024 and help members make money from betting.

That is what I am focused on, and what has driven me to make decisions that in hindsight, which of course is a wonderful thing, I should have made years ago.

2024 I expect to see the the Automated Strategies at Exponential Bet hit new heights, with a combined overall performance and consistency bump, returning an impressive end of year balance.

We have four strategies in operation, but counting the three variations for Sure Favs which members have the option to run all at once, this gives us six potential services that can run concurrently as one portfolio of betting systems.

If ran using a one point per bet approach for all six, over the coming months and by the end of 2024, knowing what I know about the selection filters in operation for these services, I can only see profit.

If you're interested in joining Exponential Bet, and want to run more than one strategy, the One Subscription is your best bet, but you can find all the subscription options here:

With that said, let me share a snapshot of data for the three strategies in operation that received the mid November update, and then after the performance has been noticeably more consistent.

A picture tells a thousand words, and in this case the stats and graphs below will demonstrate why I believe these strategy options at Exponential Bet will make a handsome points profit over the coming twelve months.

The remaining three strategies in operation will also receive a significant update before the end of this year. I will post again to give you an insight in to the results from the data accumulated from live betting used to fine tune the automated selection processes for Sure Favs High, Foundation, and Bet Focus.

The results below for Sure Favs Main, Racing Lays, and Place Lay Multi have all been updated, and already we have seen a push in the right direction with overall form. Place Lay Multi being the stand out at the moment.

However, the reason I wanted to share this data with you today is not to flex on how they will always win, because they wont, or to focus just on the end number forgetting what it takes to reach it, but instead I wanted to show how each strategy will have imperfect periods. Some of which will last many months.

You can see this from the blue line of growth over time, and the losing points runs, and losing bet runs in the stats.

As much as the overall performance is excellent when looking at the bottom line, and working well and truly within recommended annual points investment figures given these results span almost three years, it doesn't always go our way, and we shouldn't expect that to be the case.

Which is exactly why you set up your points and financial investment to weather these periods.

Exactly why I am sharing this data for the updates applied so far, to show you they will have difficult periods, and in some cases as shown with Racing Lays from the near enough three years published here today, you can see it had an up and down year in 2021, and basically broke even, before lifting off with two years of steady impressive growth.

This can happen, as anyone who has followed a betting strategy, or any investment will confirm.

The lessons I have learned mostly from last year with In Play Bet Club, and by looking back years historically at my own betting data, is to not interfere with processes as much as I have. I've still made long term profits, but I could have made more with much less drawdown, and with far less interaction required, or none at all.

A lot of what's gone in to the latest updates is actually pulling back from decisions I made all the way back to 2020, while combining up to date race data.

I have the capabilities to run what if reports using my previous filters from years ago, and this combined with the clever Researcher tool analysis built into Exponential Bet, allows me to see where I should have been more patient and let things run their course.

As annoying as that can be to see, as stated as the start of today's blog post, all I can do now is focus on the present while learning from the past.

That's why from this update onwards, through the ups and downs, these strategies at Exponential Bet will be left to do what they have been programmed, with no human intervention, as I have accumulated so much live betting data now since we began using could based automation, it gives me the clearest picture of how these strategies should be left to perform and return fully automated profits.

This is using my live bet race history combined with race data I have uploaded to the system, and running a side by side of what's been effective to enhance the performance in every possible way.

While also allowing for the periods when things do not go our way, because as much as this is mathematical, we are also at the mercy of horses, jockeys, trainers, and the racing industry politics. Which is obvious of course.

I have now configured the strategies in such a way that even if they have their worst year, they are programmed to plan ahead and recover losing periods, without increasing stake or making speculative silly decisions, and working within recommended annual points investments..

The vast history of Exponential Bet live betting dating to 2020 for the active services means I can filter these settings in to the bet process, which does give me the utmost confidence to put in my maximum investment for each updated strategy. Then for the remaining three to be updated read for the start of a new year.

Let's take a look at the data installed in to the selection process for the three updated services. With the date range set from 1st January 2021 right up to the end of November 2023.

You can see the periods that have dropped or not seen any growth for long periods, and also see the steep long lines of profit which will push our balance up.

Remember, you're only looking at the blue line for Racing Lays and Place Lay Multi, as betting exchange straight, which is fixed stake, only allows you to bet direct to the exchange, and not utilise BSP. BSP is available for Sure Favs Main.

Sure Favs Main

betfair betting system

Racing Lays

betfair lay betting system

Place Lay Multi

betfair lay betting place market system

The stand out data here is the much lower drawdown for each strategy option using exchange straight (MTP), more consistent winning periods where the balance increases, and the ability to work well within annual recommended points investments, which should give you the peace of mind you need to set these and let them manage the bets for you unattended.

There is so much more I could unpack here with this data, but I'll use an example Nigel used on me yesterday, and leave this with you to melt into your brain for now.

As soon as the updates are applied to Sure Favs High, Foundation, and Bet Focus, I will add a similar update in the blog before Christmas covering this.

In Play Bet Club

In Play Bet Club presently is part of Exponential Bet, but since the idea was conceived to start a service focused on betting in play, and then evolved to also add in using in play bet data to find suitable horses to lay, but to bet just at the off for IPBC 2, I have always thought such a project should be hosted on its own website. Hence why I quickly purchased

As I have covered recently in previous blog posts, Exponential Bet needs a clear focus on the Automated Strategies, and that alone.

With Betting Guides, and In Play Bet Club, along with a simplified version of the automation hosted at Portfolio Bet. Each sight having a clear vision and goal to be the best at their single easy to understand speciality.

In Play Bet Club is not overly complicated, and it never will be, but if your sole interest is in play betting, you want a website dedicated to being the best at delivering in play betting solutions. Which is what exactly will be.

Presently three IPBC strategy options are in operation, which members had the option to select and operate until the target profit was reached. Then having the option to switch if they prefer what they see with another option.

IPBC 1 fixed liability has a different selection process to IPBC 2 fixed stake, and IPBC 2 fixed liability, which share the same filters, just a different bet style.

Each IPBC option either requires some sort of regular money management approach to ensure the bot has enough funds to bet with, or a standard 100 points allocation.

This keeps everything safe within this level, and I never expect the max drawdown to go anywhere near the top level.

When IPBC gets its own website early next year, ETA February, members will again have the option to decide to switch IPBC options, if not before this.

I am running tests to see if an update is required to improve performance for IPBC 1 & IPBC 2, but overall I am happier with IPBC 2 as the results update shows, and a decision will be made before we go live with the new site to either apply the update if it meets required standard, or to completely merge IPBC 1 members in to either of the IPBC 2 options.

All I want is a service that delivers the best results as quickly as possible for members, not to have the widest selection of services that show too much variety in performance, but all get to target in the end. I'd much rather have the former in operation in that example.

This is still to be decided, as the update in progress that will also be applied for the start of 2024, is actually looking very good. More info on this to follow later this month.

There will also be a subscription service offered at the new website, which is very different to anything I have done previously.

This will send an email to subscribed members somewhere between four to to twenty four hours before race start time for each selection.

The advised bets will be horses the system has pulled out that have a good chance of reaching appealing odds in play, but going on to lose the race, which of course makes them stand out lay bets in running.

This will all be fully automated within the software, which members do not need to be logged in to receive the emails, just registered and subscribed.

The proof will be in the testing period currently in operation, which we have been trialling for the past year.

We know a lot of people will want to have complete control of the bets being placed, but would also like to have a guide throughout the day, with horses to target and follow in running that show the most potential to return a consistent profit when they drop away from the pack.

It will be in your hands when it comes to timing, betting banks allocated, and staking, but I will of course offer as much guidance as possible, and provide a good spread of result data showing the true potential of following all the selections sent to you.

This service will be available with no membership restrictions at, as the timing factor completely randomises the way the money will be available within the market to allow everyone to get matched.

The results I'll share with you when the service is about to be released with the new website have been doing very well. This service will launch with the website.

The In Play Betting Guide I've been chipping away at will be introduced to the new site some time after launch, as I want to embed it as a course to complete. Which means the site needs to first be live.

It will be a series of videos with tasks to complete and tick off, which for the purpose of teaching you how to follow my data and logic in play betting, I feel this will be a much better way to get the information to stick in peoples minds via practice methods, and reaching milestones.

In addition to the guide which I am aiming to have live by March to April, and to follow after this once the guide is live, I will then set a date to offer a copy bet service.

This will follow my own in play betting decisions, and place the bets for a small number of members.

The bets will go on automatically for members following my own bets being placed. I have no set date for this, but if the guide is on target for end of April, I'd expect to be ready to commence by June. If I get ahead with my targets, I would like to start this sooner than later.

As soon as I have more information regarding In Play Bet Club I will keep everyone posted, and of course regarding the update to be applied to the current three selection methods, I will be in touch to inform members if this is applied, and to give the option to switch options at that time if required.

Advice will be given with this update, and once this decision is made to either update or streamline to two options, this will be locked in with the new website launch.

Any questions let me know, or if you're interested in registering interest to be invited to In Play Bet Club should spaces become available, you can do so near the base of this page:

Portfolio Bet

This will be the first of the new websites to launch.

It will offer a single stake that is calculated from the amount of money you wish to invest.

The single stake amount you save to the software, will then bet for you each day using exchange straight direct to the exchange, and one set of results will be published on site that covers all of the different back, lay, or place market bets the software initiates for members.

Members will be able to track their own bets in the software bet history, exactly like offered presently at Exponential Bet, but it will be within one dashboard with a single bot to follow.

We are working toward having the bot actually included within the site at Portfolio Bet, with a login and member account included, which will simplify everything even more, but to actually get started as soon as possible we will use the tried and test Cloud Bet Bot, and aim to have everything integrated into the site over the following few months.

The aim of Portfolio Bet is to offer a straightforward and easy to understand set of strategies that run using full automation, that require no calculation to work out how to divide your money across the different strategies or work out your points allocation for each, as this is done for you, with the stake for each strategy being equal, and running the entire portfolio of services from just one bet.

This should appeal to everyone who has found Exponential Bet a bit confusing, and wants to follow the best strategy options using a safe amount of staking, that makes enough profit to more than clear membership fees, and return a decent annual profit.

If you are interested in registering interest in Portfolio Bet, and you haven't already done so, please just drop me an email to with nothing else other than Portfolio Bet Register Me in the subject line.

It's important you put this as the subject line, or your registration may be missed.

I will then make sure you are added to the invitation to join list, as spaces may be limited.

Betting Guides

Sometimes people just need to learn a new approach to betting, or want to expand their repertoire of betting tactics, but whatever the reason a well written betting guide can often be all that's required to get people back on the winning path.

Doing it yourself and not depending on automation is the only way for some bettors, and as much as I use automation to good effect to boost my own betting balance, I completely get that for some the idea of handing over control is a step too far.

For this reason I will provide savvy betting and trading techniques within individually explained guides, that will be presented either as a mini video course to follow, or downloadable PDF.

I'll make sure there is a good amount of data to back up all results, and any tools that are required to be used to achieve the same results, all will be fully listed upfront and centre ahead of any purchases being made.

The idea of providing stand alone betting guides allows me the freedom to include strategies that do require more human interaction, and compared to automated methods that would be required to rethink the programming logic, the human mind and common sense required when assessing certain situations just cannot be programmed, yet.

I'll be working with this approach, and providing useful bet and trade guides that work best away from automation, because if you want automated betting there is Exponential Bet or Portfolio Bet.

The betting guide website will be the last to be published from the three new sites scheduled for release, and I predict it will be ready to launch somewhere between June to August next year.

As I will need time to produce content, which I will work on while preparing everything listed above.

I just wanted to flesh out today what I have been mentioning in recent blog posts, which I hope you found useful.

The ideal scenario is Portfolio Bet launches in January, In Play Bet Club in February, and Betting Guides April to May. Which is what I will be pushing for.

Okay, thanks for taking the time to read today. If you have any questions let me know, but please bear with me on my response time, because at the moment it can be longer the 24 hours.

Have a great week. I will be back in touch again when the automated strategy update is completed and applied.

Best Regards


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