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The Expo News 3rd January

Writer: Ryan PhillipsRyan Phillips

Another winning day today for the In Play BETA which I reported recently in the Expo News 1st January

I have to give a huge thank you to a member of in play betting for fixing my spreadsheet today, cheers Arthur!

I'd done myself out of recorded profits in 2018 and the new updated numbers are as follows:

in play betting system

Using 1% Stake Per Bet

826 Bets - 55% Strike Rate

£945.28 Total Profit From £10.00 Stake Per Bet

The Expo News is being published in a series of daily posts this week, covering each service individually.

Today's post is about the Trade Guide V4.

For anybody looking to learn a very simple method to trade UK horse racing and lock in a consistent profit, the strategy in the Trade Guide V4 can be learned very quickly and used manually or with automation.

The automation works after following a simple step by step selection method, finding successful trades on applicable days, and taking approx 20 minutes to set up with either Fairbot or Bet Angel running the trades unattended. This can be done in the morning, the night before racing, or race by race if you have the availability.

M1 Auto is the name of the strategy used on both of these API's. The Expo Bot due for imminent release will come with M1 Auto pre loaded, which we're hoping to have included asap with the bot after initial launch.

It's basically a straightforward set of tick boxes I've applied myself for a long time, which is proven to identify ideal horses to trade pre race. Horses who's odds will swing out for a decent trading opportunity.

Since introducing Focus Ratings to the selection process, which is demonstrated in the member section how I rely on this data as an extra layer of due diligence, the reliability of the odds movement and success of the trades has definitely increased.

Trading horse racing isn't for everyone, and it can be a nerve wracking confusing experience, especially if you're just starting out.

Automating the trading process does remove the emotion of the trade.

When you've identified a horse that meets criteria with the strategy included in the guide, and then set the bot up to do its business, you're taking away that desire to either red up when a swing drifts out, or take an early profit that may be a lot less than if left to run as you'd originally planned.

It's human nature after all if you're watching a trade go the wrong way to want to reduce the loss, which if left alone may will in most instances correct itself for a profit, as shown in the member videos.

It's the same thing when seeing a tiny bit of profit materialize after sitting watching the odds move up and down for hours, when all you can think about is hitting that hedge button to get off the trade and protect your money. Any profit or a strike will feel good at that point when the nerves kick in.

Introducing automation to the equation means you set it and forget it, and remove this human element.

I've just scratched the surface with what I'm introducing to the trade guide, which will automate the entire process and remove any need to source the trades.

The current M1 Auto works like a charm and can't be fully automated to remove the quick 20 minute set up each day. I know some of you just want a trade system you turn on and walk away from with no involvement, and this is the goal this year.

Over the course of 2019 these additional automated trade methods will be available for members and included at now extra cost with all future updates, just part of the one off purchase price as standard.

The results I've pasted below started out during October 2017 when I began a 'turn £100 into a £1000 challenge'.

The reason there are only 97 trading days covered and I haven't smashed this challenge yet, isn't due to the shortage of trades available, it's down to having just one exchange to work on and multiple systems I need to apply daily.

Time and resources mean I have to decide to trade alongside my other betting activity, or have to cut other strategies I'm running to create exchange availability.

I've a couple of accounts I use with Betfair (shhh) which gives me the luxury of running multiple systems on the exchange at once, but this still isn't enough, and hence why I need to make more time for trading when looking at the impressive percentage growth rates.

To give you an example of what's achievable pre race trading using the Trade Guide V4 with M1 Auto, I've pasted the table of results below.

Tomorrow's Expo News will cover Place Betting, which is being introduce to the One Subscription membership plan as an exclusive daily advised betting service. The results for this quick to apply each day system are excellent, especially considering the short amount of time it takes me to source the bets, and the average odds on the winners.

It will also be available is a mini online guide stand alone product, which I expect to come later in February.

This is a service with a difference though, as the selection criteria for the place bets reveal potential for consistently profitable in play trading, and to be fair for win betting.

I utilize Focus Ratings to quickly identify the best daily place betting options, which as stated very often win or make superb in play trades.

I'll update the results and explain more in tomorrow's update.

Here are the latest trading results:

+627% Total Balance Growth

Start Bank £100.00 Prev Balance £661.42

No. Days Trading


New Total £727.46

swing trading

swing trader

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